PAY CHECK DATES: Pay checks are usually issued every two weeks on Wednesdays.
Click Here To View/Download Schedule (pdf format) DIRECT DEPOSIT: Direct Deposits are mandatory. Direct Deposit can be set up for a set dollar amount or for the net amount of your check. You can have more than one direct deposit. For example, you can have a savings deduction for a set dollar and then have the balance of your check direct deposited into your checking or vice versa. Direct Deposits are at your bank on payday so you have access to your funds on payday. Click Here for a direct deposit form. Print the form, complete it and send to bookkeeping.
CHANGING W-4 WITHHOLDING: You can change your W-4 Federal and State withholding any time during the year. Forms are available in the business office or you may view/download here: Federal W-4 State W-4.
PAYROLL DEDUCTION - LAWRENCE BACKPACK PROGRAM: Starting during the fall 2018-2019 school year, Lawrence Junior and Senior High Schools will have a Backpack Program. Guidance and JMG will be working together to provide meals to students on weekends and long breaks. So far, we have raised $10,000 to successfully sustain for one year. However, in order to continue, we will be continuously fundraising and seeking community support. If you want to have a specific amount withdrawn per pay period towards this program, please complete and return the form to payroll. Please Click Here to download the form.
403b/TAX SHELTERED ANNUITY INFO: Each year we must notify you that you are eligible to participate in our 403b retirement savings plan. The 403b is a tax-free way to save toward retirement. Click here for more information. The 403(b) form may be viewed/downloaded by clicking here. Please click here to view/print the MSAD#49 Section 403(b) Annual Notice and Acknowledgement document.
TIME CARD IN/OUT TIMES & ROUNDING: Please round time card "in and out" times to the nearest 1/4 hour. Time Cards should reflect your actual hours worked. For example: If your supervisor has given you permission to leave 2 hours early one day and you have agreed to work over 2 hours the next day, do not put down your regular schedule. Put down what you actually worked.
TIME CARD DEADLINE: Check with your supervisor or school secretary as to what time they need time cards turned in. Time cards must be in the business office by 10:00 A.M. Monday morning (sometimes Friday under certain holiday conditions) and your supervisor or school secretary will require that you have the cards to them even earlier so that they can have time to process the cards.
TIME WORKED AFTER PASSING IN YOUR TIME CARD: The work week runs from Monday through Sunday. If you pass in your time card Friday and end up working Saturday or Sunday please come to the Business Office or email first thing Monday morning to correct your card. Do not add the Saturday or Sunday time to the time card for the following week. We need this information to be reflected on the same workweek to correctly compute your overtime. Also, remember to email us if you estimated your Friday time because of the deadline to get time cards in and ended up not working the time you estimated.
COMP-TIME/OVERTIME: If you have time that qualifies as overtime, and you are in an Employee Association position, you have the option of being paid time and a half or you can be credited the hours as comp time. Comp time in lieu of overtime will be banked at time and a half. At the bottom of the time card you need to initial "comp time" or "overtime pay" in any week that you have overtime. If neither choice is checked you will be paid the overtime hours.
Comp time must be used within one year from the time it was accrued.
DAYS OFF: If there is a vacation day, holiday, sick/personal day, etc. that you need to reflect on your time card, do not write in the regular "in and out" times on that day. This would appear as if you were here and actually worked. Just write what type of pay it was i.e. Holiday, Family Illness and then write the number of hours in the Daily Total column. If you work part of the day and part of the day you are using leave, write your actual hours you worked such as 8:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M., put 4 in the "daily total" column and in the "time box" for the same day write your leave i.e. "Personal Day" and put 4 next to that in the "daily total" column.
HEALTH INSURANCE INFO: Each year we must notify you of your Summary of Benefits and Coverage (SBC) under our Group Health Insurance. The links to the Anthem SBC's for the products offered by the district can be found here.
MSAD #49 Anthem Summary of Benefits & Coverage (SBC)