2020-2021  MSAD #49 School Budget

June 9, 2020

Dear Citizens:                                                                                    

Pursuant to Order of the Governor, the budget meeting, where the articles presented in the MSAD #49 School Budget Proposal booklet you recently received, has been replaced by a remote public hearing. The Remote Public Hearing is June 16 at 7:00 PM, and will be livestreamed, with opportunity for the public to call in and comment on the proposed budget. Please visit msad49.org for more information on the hearing. If you have any questions, please contact me or any member of our School Board.

The following are links to the 2020-2021 Proposed School Budget and the Remote Public Hearing Guide.


 Roberta E. Hersom

Superintendent of Schools 

BOARD MEMBERS:  Albion:  Katrina Dumont, 649-3532; Kara Kugelmeyer, 437-4595.  Benton: Sarah Williams, 314-5070; Roy White, 314-4651.  Clinton: Jenny Boyden, 861-1048; Neal Caverly, 453-6520l; Tim Flood, 314-2575.  Fairfield: Danielle Boutin, 660-1395; Rae Davis-Folsom, 446-0838; Heather Hussey, 668-6022; Stewart Kinley, 877-3932l; Beth Lambert, 238-6021.