The USDA recently extended our Summer feeding program until December 31, 2020. There will
be NO CHARGE for meals until then. We still need to have you fill out the Free or Reduced
Meal Application. This can be found on our website or you can get a paper copy to fill out and
return with your child.
Each kitchen has a meal pick up time for families to receive meals. The same rules apply! Meals
are available for children ages 0-18. A parent/guardian or the student must pick up the meals.
Please contact the kitchen manager of the school you wish to receive meals from in order to
make arrangements.
Kitchen Managers and contact information are as follows;
Albion Elementary, Melonie Kaufmann 238-1120,
Benton Elementary, Jane Reardon 238-1118,
Clinton Elementary, Heather Wood 238-1121,
Fairfield Primary, Jane Reardon 238-1118,
Lawrence Junior/Senior High, Heather Drew-Clark 238-1119,