On May 22nd during assemblies, 2 students from each grade level were rewarded with free bikes that were generously donated by the Fairfield Masons. Benton students have been reading at home all school year and submitting "Books for Bike" entry forms for books they have read.

Mrs. Carpenter's fifth grade class from Benton Elementary School visited The Maine Maritime Museum in Bath to learn about Maine's history of wooden ship building with tour guide, Mr. Jon.

Albion K-3 students attended the Northeast Livestock Expo at the Windsor Fairgrounds last Thursday for Kids Day! This fun and educational event offered students activities around agriculture, farm animals, weather, Maine State Troopers and their K9s, tractors, and much more!

On May 18th, Benton Elementary's PTO hosted a Mother & Son event "Bonding with Brushes" led by art teacher, Mr. Walston. All that attended enjoyed creating a watercolor painting that can be treasured for years to come. Yummy snacks of cookies and popcorn were provided too.

Thanks to the local Masons for their visit to Albion Elementary on Friday for our “Bikes For Books” Celebration! Students in all grades had the opportunity to read and earn a chance to win a bike. We appreciate the Masons for their kindness and for recognizing our Albion readers!

Albion Elementary School recognized and celebrated ten students in 4th, 5th, and 6th grade for their fantastic efforts with the "Future of Maine Bulldog Scholarship.” These students were rewarded with $100 to use toward their future aspirations. Keep reaching for your goals!

May 13-17th was the last week our Colby mentors visited their mentees here at Benton. The Colby Cares About Kids (CCAK) is a mentor program that encourages Colby students to reach into the local schools and volunteer as mentors. The students congratulate those mentors who are seniors graduating and wish the underclassmen a happy, safe summer vacation!

On Thursday, May 9th, Benton Elementary School Science Club members listened to guest speaker, Dwight Gagnon, share about the alewives and Alewife Festival (May 18th). Mr. Gagnon came back to share his presentation with all 5th and 6th graders on May 15th.

Benton fifth graders are published authors! The students and their families attended an "Author's Tea" on Wednesday, May 15th. Students worked hard to pull a book together, using the Student Treasures program.

Benton Elementary students attended a Career Fair with Mid-Maine Technical Center on May 16th and May 17th. Students enjoy many booths hosted by the students at Mid-Maine Technical Center. Students were engaged with hands on activities at each booth.

The Benton fifth graders kicked off their Engineering unit Thursday, May 16th with a guest speaker. Chief Engineer Travis Chenevert shared his experience as an engineer with Edison Chouest Off Shore on the Island Venture. Students learned what a career is like on board a construction vessel as an engineer.

On May 6th several Benton 4th, 5th, and 6th graders were awarded a $100 "Future of Maine Bulldog Scholarship" for their outstanding effort and aspirations. Students were recognized after their essays were selected. CONGRATULATIONS!!

On the evening of May 7th, Benton Elementary School's students brought their families to the 11th Annual ART SHOW. Special artwork has been completed by all students during their art classes and will be displayed for the remainder of the school year.

On April 22, Earth Day, Ellen Treadwell came to read “Water Princess” to all the first graders at Benton Elementary. She shared pictures from her trip to Africa and the students learned how a little boy in first grade raised over a million dollars to help children in Africa get clean water. The lesson was that even one person can make a difference!

On Monday, April 22 Benton fifth graders from Mrs. Therrien’s, Ms. Burkhart’s and Mrs. Goodrich’s classes spent time cleaning up the playground and school surroundings in dedication to Earth Day.

BRAVO to Benton Elementary's 5th and 6th grade chorus who recently performed a WILLY WONKA musical!

On Monday, April 22 Benton fifth graders from Mrs. Therrien’s, Ms. Burkhart’s and Mrs. Goodrich’s classes spent time cleaning up the playground and school surroundings in dedication to Earth Day.

On Monday, April 22 Benton fifth graders from Mrs. Therrien’s, Ms. Burkhart’s and Mrs. Goodrich’s classes spent time cleaning up the playground and school surroundings in dedication to Earth Day.

Benton staff and students supported our PT, Deanne Pizzo, by filling Easter eggs with change for the upcoming American Cancer Society's annual Relay for Life event that she will participate in. A GRAND total of $1,277.10 was collected!

On Monday, April 22 Benton fifth graders from Mrs. Therrien’s, Ms. Burkhart’s and Mrs. Goodrich’s classes spent time cleaning up the playground and school surroundings in dedication to Earth Day.