Stylized sun with the text "Summer Credit Recovery" overlaid upon it.

Lawrence High School Summer School Credit Recovery Information, July 2024

Location - Lawrence HS Annex Building

July 9, 10, 11
July, 16, 17, 18
July, 23, 24, 25
8:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Lawrence will again provide a credit recovery program this summer for students who failed one of their core courses with a grade of 55 - 69 to give them the opportunity to make up the credit and pass the course.

- Students will be served breakfast upon arrival and lunch at 11:30 AM.
- Busing will be provided with specific pickup and drop off spots
- Students may take all nine days to complete credit recovery or they may get it done in one day. It is available to them for the full nine days. They will start together on day one and finish up independently.

Parents interested in registering their child for Summer School Credit Recovery will need to fill out a registration form and turn it into the Guidance Office at the high school by June 24, 2024.

Any questions, please contact Alice Hammond in the Guidance Office at 453-4200 x2257 or Dan Bowers, Principal at 453-4200 x2400

Click Here to View/Download the 2024 LHS Summer School Registration Form