With assistance from Teacher-Librarian, Ms. Butterfield, form a team of three to ten students from Lawrence Junior High School to compete in The Great Maine Book Tournament. It is even more fun when there are several teams competing from our school! We’ll be able to read and discuss fabulous books.
Your student team will read the books on this year's reading list. Books will be available in the LJHS Library. It is best to split the reading up between all team members.
Teams will complete the Kahoots in Team Mode. The team with the highest total score from LJHS will move on to the regional round with the opportunity to advance to the statewide round.
In rounds two and three, team scores are entered into a spreadsheet, so we can see who has the highest score and therefore who won.
Start reading as soon as you form a team. The first Kahoot for Round One is typically available in November.
See Ms. Butterfield in the LJHS Library for more information or email debra.butterfield@msad49.org. Let’s come together as Bulldog Readers and bring home the gold!